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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Perth Day 10 (29/11/2014)

FINAL last day in Perth...also the end of a beautiful packing and putting back everything into cabinets, cupboards etc...

As our flight is at 7.10pm, this morning we will be making a trip to Frementle..

Perth Day 9 (28/11/2014)

Woke up to super good weather today! Maybe because it is our last night in Perth and this is a little gift for us to enjoy the day to its max!

We did not take breakfast at the apartment today.  We are heading to Subiaco Station Market and will have our breakfast there.  This market is only opened on Fridays and weekends.

Everywhere we go to in Perth or Margaret River, we are bound to see many Asians.  Almost all service crew at restaurants are Asians.  Same when you visit markets, you will also see many Asians.

Perth Day 8 (27/11/2014)

How time flies when you are on a holiday ! This is our 8th day in Perth and this morning, we are going to have breakfast at TUCK SHOP !  And after that, to Swan Valley !

Finding our way to TUCK SHOP was pretty easy.  Same drive route as though we are going to Viet Hoa. Breakfast here is good, but if I were to compare this to Seas Garden at Margaret River, I much prefer the latter. The ambience, mood and setting is just a far cry.  At the TUCK SHOP, you can't help but feel that yes, you are in a city.  People come for the morning breakfast in suits, crowds coming to grab a coffee and move on with their daily chores / jobs etc...there is this sense of invisible tiny tinge of no frills, eat and be on your way kind of aura..:)) 

Friday, December 19, 2014

Perth Day 7 (26/11/2014)

We are going to do something different today.  Not going to drive...but taking free CAT buses! For a simple reason, we are going to Hays Street today, which is smacked right in Perth's center, hence looking for parking is going to be difficult and parking fees will be super expensive.  So free buses suits us fine. :)  Took bus 950 from a bus stop which is about 1-2 mins walk from the apartment.

Perth Day 6 (25/11/2014)

Today is the day we will be leaving Margaret River and back to Perth to continue our holiday.  It was with much reluctance to leave this homely cottage and the farm and saying bye bye to all the farm animals and the 2 fun-loving dogs on the farm ! But still, all good things must come to an end I guess. 

Perth Day 5 (24/11/2014)

The itinerary for today is definitely an exciting one..Cape Lavender and Busselton Jetty !  

After a quick and hasty breakfast, we set off to Cape have scones and tea and smell Lavenders!  kekekeeke!

Perth Day 4 ( 23/11/2014)

It's Sunday today !  Rise and shine.  Such beautiful weather today...warm sunshine with cool breeze, and looking out from the cottage, you see animals roaming around, tree leaves on branches swaying ever so gentle that it was as though an orchestra was playing!

There's animal feeding session today and the kids went ahead to join Vinnie.  I stayed inside the cottage to enjoy a cuppa and also pack a simple lunch, filled thermo flasks with coffee and tea etc as we will be setting off on a longer drive today to Augusta and Cape Leeuwin.  Having read up on the internet that it can get cold and windy at Cape Leeuwin..I made everyone put on an extra layer of clothing.  Wise thinking ! :))

None of us had breakfast this morning as we will be heading out to the famous Sea Gardens for our breakfast.

Perth Day 3 (22/11/2014)

This is our 1st morning at the farmstay ! This farm offers animal feeding sessions on every Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday @8.30am.  After a quick breakfast, we made our way to the gathering point and waited excitedly for the session to begin.  Old ma stayed back at the cottage to wash up and prepared a simple lunch box for all of us for this pm's outings...

Animals roaming on the farm during those feeding sessions.  Alpacas, lambs, chickens etc ! Vinnie the farmer..he is really good with both kids and animals...all 2 legged and 4 legged just love him and the way he goes about doing his job...with a jovial mood..

Perth Day 2 (21/11/2014)

Woke up to cold morning...brrrrrrr!

As we need to set of pretty early today and we have not visited any supermarkets yet, the packets of instant noodles that we brought along came in handy !  All our us had noodles, a cup of tea..and we are ready to go !

Loading our luggage into the giant car :)

Perth Day 1 (20/11/2014) - Include pre-trip preparation and some after thoughts

Our family's very 1st road trip !

Pre-trip preparation was done more carefully to ensure that the whole trip is planned in such a way that every places of interests is all along the way and we do not need to back track, to and fro.  Google map was a big help in this aspect.  All I need to do is to key in places that we intend to visit within a day and check if everything falls within the same route.  If it is not, I will mix and toggle with other venues to get the best from a day's trip.

It is very very very important that you have the address and telephone number of the places of interest or restaurant, hotel etc. My homework definitely served us well.  Especially when my GPS went haywire and I have to use google map as backup.  In my own notes, I will also indicate the distance between places as well as estimated driving time.  So that if we can't make it to one place, we need to know roughly how long it takes to get to another destination.

From our trip experience, the following preparation will help :

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Shanghai / Hangzhou Day 8 (14/6/2014)

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This is home sweet home day!  Holiday is aways nice, but no place like home! :))
We went to a local lane eatery for a simple breakfast.  You can find this eatery along the lane between First Foodhall and this white color shopping mall.  See the green light there? Yes, that's right walk down this street.  The eatery is on your left after 1-2 mins walk.  The preserved fruit stall that I mentioned is also along this lane..opposite the eatery, a little further that's all.

Shanghai / Hangzhou Day 7 (13/6/2014)

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Day 7 today ! We will be going back to Singapore we intend to take this day to relax and go slow...

This morning, we did not feel like having breakfast yet so we roamed around the streets and lanes around the hotel.  Interesting sights and finds !

Typical lanes scenes..

Shanghai / Hangzhou Day 6 (12/6/2014)

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How time flies...this is our 6th day in Shanghai / Hangzhou !
This bright morning, we decided to walk around Nanjing Pedestrian Walk to look for nice breakfast.  Out from our Hotel's Level 1 entrance, we turned to the left and started walking.  About 5 mins, we cam to this First Foodhall mall.  You won't miss it..the signage is so huge that even severe myopic conditions people can see!

Shanghai / Hangzhou Day 5 (11/6/2014)

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Woke up at 8am today, walked over to Zhi Wei Guan for our breakfast before heading back to Shanghai.  Our original plan was to try out the dim sum at Zhi Wei Guan..but when we reached there, we were greeted by sight of a normal foodcourt.  It was kind of surprising as I was expecting a restaurant.  We were kind of in a hurry, I did no think too much or ask around, we went into the foodcourt and started to orfer our breakfast items. 

Shanghai / Hangzhou Day 4 (10/6/2014)

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Another glorious weather day ! Early this am, we set off to Hu Pao Spring.  We arrived there close to 8.45am, way ahead of those tourist buses etc.  Thus the whole experience was very refreshing, minus the crowd!  We saw locals pushing trolleys with empty huge containers to be filled with the spring water!  All we have is 2 small mineral bottles. :))

I booked my hotel using