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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Perth Day 9 (28/11/2014)

Woke up to super good weather today! Maybe because it is our last night in Perth and this is a little gift for us to enjoy the day to its max!

We did not take breakfast at the apartment today.  We are heading to Subiaco Station Market and will have our breakfast there.  This market is only opened on Fridays and weekends.

Everywhere we go to in Perth or Margaret River, we are bound to see many Asians.  Almost all service crew at restaurants are Asians.  Same when you visit markets, you will also see many Asians.

The sight that greeted us when we enter the market..what vibrant colours combination !


LOL "street names" inside the market..

Possible stalls to have breakfast..

Sweet juicy mangoes! Old folks were so crazy over mangoes that we bought one whole box and hand carry back to Singapore ! How crazy is that !?

There is even a shop that sells Asia's condiments and spices ..awesome !

There is a reasonable sized car park outside the Subiaco market.  Just take note of the parking notice that's all.  Free market, but maximum 2 hours of parking.  Just next to this market, I think there is a Woolsorth / Coles.  If you cannot find a parking lot at the market, you can try to park your car at the supermarket.  Just directly beside the market.

At Subiaco market, old ma started to chat with a lady from Vietnam.  This lady recommended a shop that sells scallops and abolones to my old ma.  She got so excited and suddenly Subiaco Markets holds not much attraction.  She rushed us to get out of the place and proceed to buy her preious stuff.

End up..this shop that the lady back on Northbridge and again..using Viet Hoa as a reference point, from it's main entrance, you cross the road, turn left and walk straight down. You will pass by the restaurant that we had dinner yesterday ( Big Bow Noodles).  Continue walking and you will see the seafood shop ....VHT ..

In fact, this VHT shop is located opposite of the 1st seafood shop that we visited few days ago..LOL Everything is located so close proximity!

Old ma said that the scallops here were cheaper.  But for Abalones, she went back tot he 1st shop that we visited ( opposite the road) and bought her abalones from that shop.  If you buy above certain amount, the boss actually gives you a complimentary cooler bag so that you can bring the frozen goods home safely.

After old ma's happy shopping trip at Northbridge, we went back to the apartment to load the seafood into the fridge before going over to Harbour Town, where all females will go ga-ga over shopping and all guys will have to wait patiently for their mums, wife, daughters, all 2 legged females to do their shopping !  Patience is the key word. LOL!

Harbour Town opens till 9pm every Friday.

We parked for almost 6 hours, cost is AUD13/-.  Reasonable.

The 1st shop that we saw...KOPI !

Seriously, there are soooooooooo many shops and factory outlet that you won't know where to begin shopping ! Kind of strange, over here, buy 1,not so cheap, but 2, more worth it, buy 3 better price.

There is a Jesters Fries at the 1st level.give it a try if you have not already done so somewhere else.  Once you start, you cannot stop...

See..what did I say about buying at least 2 items together...almost in every shop !

We spent the most time at this shop...COTTON ON ! Everything is so cheap.  A pair of low as AUD2 bucks!  Of coz, check it out, most items are made in China, designed in Australia or something like that.  But when prices are soooo cheap, who cares ! Just grab and buy !  :)))

A Quick Lunch before we start crazy shopping again..

Old folks picked up a good bargain from this shop  2 trolley luggages..and these 2 luggages do come in handy when we are packing stuff from return trip to Singapore ! We kept buying stuff...forgot about lugage space.  yiks !

Grabbing another coffee before driving off to a nearby supermarket, buy some stuff to cook dinner tonight. looks stormy again at this point in time....

That's all for this day !  Back at the apartment, it was dinner, followed by packing packing and packing.  Gotta pack the 9 days of shopping goods - no easy task ! But...yes, we managed.  YAY !

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