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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Perth Day 8 (27/11/2014)

How time flies when you are on a holiday ! This is our 8th day in Perth and this morning, we are going to have breakfast at TUCK SHOP !  And after that, to Swan Valley !

Finding our way to TUCK SHOP was pretty easy.  Same drive route as though we are going to Viet Hoa. Breakfast here is good, but if I were to compare this to Seas Garden at Margaret River, I much prefer the latter. The ambience, mood and setting is just a far cry.  At the TUCK SHOP, you can't help but feel that yes, you are in a city.  People come for the morning breakfast in suits, crowds coming to grab a coffee and move on with their daily chores / jobs etc...there is this sense of invisible tiny tinge of no frills, eat and be on your way kind of aura..:)) 

Many customers come in and order take-away coffee.  I must say ..the coffee is superb ! Rich aroma...

HUGGGEEEE Portion ! Luckily we ordered this to be shared by 2 person.  Items on plates are very filling too..

Oh...before we set off to SwanValley, I dropped by Corica to buy the much raved about Apple Strudel !  Seriously - all internet reviews were superbly how can we miss this treasure !?

As we've just had a heavy breakfast at TUCK SHOP, we left the Apple Strudel in the car and drive around with it in the boot. LOL! Scroll down to see a pic of the strudel (ate it when we went back to the apartment after a day's outing)

Driving for approximately half an hour brought us to Caversham Wildlife Park.  It started to rain as we approached this choice, I detoured to our next destination first - THE HOUSE OF HONEY.

The House of Honey - Quite a nice place..with lots of honey tasting :)))  When we arrived, all the customers were from Asia! We recognised Singapore's mandarin, Malaysia's chinese slang etc.  heeheee! Feels like home !

Absolutely no bees buzzing worries!

See these bottles? These are sparkling Honey Juice ! Heavenly! AUD8.75 each.  It was soo good that we bought 4 bottles at one shot and before we even left the premise, we finished 1 bottle already ! GULPPP>>>SLURPPP>>>

We tried the ice cream...real rich and creamy in texture. I bought 1 cone to try, but I only took a bite, turned and pay money and both my kids nomzzzz the whole ice cream!!!  I did not even get a chance to snap a photo of it ! Kids!

Honey tasting corner, with explanation sheets put up explaining what kind of honey does what..

When we were about to leave, I happened to see this hanging outside the shop..hmmmmm...interesting huh !

Next stop ... Mondo Nougat..only couple of minutes drive away from the House of Honey..

I bought my nougats mostly from this corner. It is not the normal individually wrapped nougats that is good for treating friends and colleagues. This corner sells slightly premium stuff..but absolutely worth it! Soft nougats, with cranberry, almonds, ,honey etc..which you don't get in those tiny individually wrapped nougats in gift bags.

See those bars at the left hand side? Even my old folks enjoyed these.  The nuts, fruits etc were really fresh and the nougat has very very smooth texture to it.  The shelf on the right side, these are those slightly premium nougats wrapped individually, suitable as gift packs.  Slightly more expensive. Thus if you are buying for own consumption, buying the bars will be more worth it.

Mondo Nougat shares a premise with Morish..

Kitchen where they made you can be assured all stuff sold are freshly made!

Oh and they sell ice creams there too at Mondo Nougats..

After Mondo's,  the rain seemed to have stopped and we spent a good minute discussing if we should go back to Caversham Wildlife Park or drive back tomorrow. decided..yes..we are all going to Caverhsam!  So off we drive again...

We did pack lunch and this will be the area where we gonna have our lunch later.

The shows are definitely worth going to.  There are specific timings, but you should be able to finish one show and move on to another.

There is this enclosed sections where visitors can get up close and personal with the roos.  There is a bin containing food for these feel free to grab handfuls and feed the animals.

Not dead...just resting and sun-bathing! LOL!

You can go for the Farm show, followed by Meet the Wombat session ans lastly, meet the Koalas.

This donkey is really hilarious !  He sure knows how to pose a good one for the camera....heeeeehawwww!  Can't resist posting his smile and grin !

Farm Show..very educational for kids indeed !

Aiyo..shearer drew blood lei....pain pain...

For kids, there will be opportunities for them to help feed baby lambs...mehhhhhh!  Sorry, not for big kids..

Meet The Wombat Sessions.  They keepers will introduce parrots, Tasmania devil, snakes and of coz..the main star, Mr Wombat!

When you first enter this big tent, do not stand around the railing.  Move right up to the end of the tent..where they will display parrots.  Coz when the program starts, the gate at this end will open for visitors to get up close to the animals and of coz, photographies session.  Keepers are more than happy to help to take photos for you with your camera or handphone..or both...heeheee!

Photos session with Mr Wombat..

Meet the cute and cuddly Koalas!  We were not allowed to touch them anywhere, excpet on the area of their back thigh.  Now I know..Koala feeds on Eucalyptus Tree leaves!  These trees gives off a very nice refreshing scent !

Lunch at the picnic area. See..another bottle of the sparkling honey juice !

Souvenir shop at the exit of the park.

After we finished our trip to Caversham Wildlife Park, my after thoughts were that the animals interactions were good, shows were entertaining.  While walking around the park, we see all kinds of birds species, peacoks etc..all caged.  I find them rather poor thing.  Maybe because we visited after the rain and all things looked wet and damp and smell a little. Overall, totally worth a visit.

On the road ICE CREAM !   Many reviews and blogs mentioned about Oggies ice I thought again...yes...another must do thing, buy ice cream and eat it.

When we arrived.. we customers LOL!  Probably coz it is late in the afternoon..

This is the only 2 ice cream range..

We'e been out almost for the whole day..time to go back to the apartment for old folks to take rest and devour the apple strudel that we bought earlier today !

Whahaaaahaa! All the bumps and turns on the road caused some upset to the strudel. It became ugly looking...but the taste! OMG! Explosively nice with the custard creaam ! Crispy puff.  Now I know why I can't find even 1 bad review on this simple pleasure that comes with an expensive price tag.  2 thumbs up !

For dinner tonite, again we went back to Northbridge.  My old folks definitely has an affinity with Northbridge ! Almost every meal we have, it's at Northbridge. :))

We had dinner at this place tonite.  Same thing, using Viet Hoa as a reference point. From Viet Hoa's main entrance, cross the road, turn left and walk about 100 mins,  you will see this shop.  It is next to a poultry shop I think.

Apparently this shop is famous for their noodles.  All noodles are freshly made whenever customers place order.  Their roast duck...wooolaalaaaa! Finger licking good !  In fact, In Perth, I find that all roast duck do taste really good and full flavor.  I am no duck fanatic..but still cannot resist !

Master using the machine to make noodles..

After a sumptuous dinner, we went to Perth's well known entertainemnt centre - the CASINO !  Posh looking and you can see ladies dressed up so nicely to enter the casino.  What a big contrast to Genting's or Singapore's casinos scene. I felt very dressed down in my causal wear! But of course, even if you are in casuals, you will still be granted entry.

Old folks went into the casino to meet lady luck while me and kids went around to admire the Xmas decos and and finally settled for some desserts at the food court, with counters like subway, MacDonalds etc.

This is an interesting ice blend from MacDonalds. Pour the popping candies into the drink and as you sip, these will explode in your mouth !

No crowds..all crowds inside the casino...:))

Ahhhh...saw this dispenser in the ladies, which I thought was really cool !

After almost one whole day of fun-filled activities, we finally reached back at the apartment around 10.30pm.  As a family, we all sat down, have some hot chocs, chat about all things that we have done today..some jokes..laughter before saying goodnight.  Yes..this is family life!  The kind of family life that is healthy and fun !

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