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Saturday, June 21, 2014

Shanghai / Hangzhou Day 6 (12/6/2014)

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How time flies...this is our 6th day in Shanghai / Hangzhou !
This bright morning, we decided to walk around Nanjing Pedestrian Walk to look for nice breakfast.  Out from our Hotel's Level 1 entrance, we turned to the left and started walking.  About 5 mins, we cam to this First Foodhall mall.  You won't miss it..the signage is so huge that even severe myopic conditions people can see!

Once you stepped inside the mall, you will see food stuff, titbits,! Heaven on earth ! LOL!
There are at least 3 or 4 levels and the foodcourt and restaurants are located on the 3rd.

Many, as in really many of the locals, especially senior citizens all ordered from this stall..the duck is soup based is speechlessly awesome and the ingredients amount really made your money's worth ! Good to last drop..

Fishballs noodle..very chewy and springy.  I ordere the big big balls ...the chef actually used his hands to knead it into thick 5 cm strips paste and cook it.  Good !

And....there is Xiao Yang Sheng Jian 小杨生煎 here at this food mall !  How cool !

Nan Xian Xiao Long Bao also have a restaurant here!  In case you have no time to go to Yu Yuan, you can taste both the Xiao Yang Sgeng Jian and Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao here all at one go !

After breakfast, we took the metro to Science and Technology Musuem station to shop  there.  This place...either you like it or hate it.  When I stepped into the shopping area, I have the "sense" that all vendors are eyeing to fleece tourists.  The feleling is no good.  However we did manage to get some stuff over there after bargaining like mad!  Jacket RMB180 bargained to RMB60.  Converse Sling Bag from RMB180 to RMB50. 

Lots of imitation goods if you are into those things..
Seems like all prices are pegged around range of RMB180.  However, I have been foerwarned by my Shanghai friends that things there normally shohuld costs only around SGD5 -10 bucks.  So when my son saw an Arsenal T shirt with shorts, we were quoted RMB180.  We bargained to RMB50 bucks!  Vendors there are ready for bargaining and hence they always quote price much higher eg RMB200.  Thus if you bargain to RMB100, you think you have a good deal, but the vendor will have the last laugh coz that would be their expected price.  So, make sure you offer really in at least 3/4 off the stated price.  You have to be brave and thick skinned! :))
The only picture I have of the shopping is the MRT station.  LOL! You do not need to come up and out of the station.  The shopping area is around the metro's exit. It's underground.
After spending the morning shopping at Science and Technology Museum underground shops, we decided to go to Di Shui Dong for lunch.  No regret! This is easily one of the best meal we've had during the trip. Satisfying and leave us craving for more...
Directions to this restaurant is pretty straight forward.

Once you are out from this station, turn left immediately.  Once turn left. you will see a main road  in front.  Walk towards it (about maybe just 20 to 30 steps), turn left.  Continue walking for maybe 30m you will come to a cross road junction.  Do not cross the road.  Turn  left**.  (**Look at the pic below..Once you turn left, you should see this black panel thingy..) Walk straight down all the way (along the black panel direction)..about 4 mins walk and you will come to another cross junction.  Cross it and walk straight.  With 15 secs, you will see the restaurant.
Across the road from the "black panel", you should be able to see the following shop across the road...just to make sure you are on the right track.
After about 2 mins walk, you should be passing by this .. are right on tack.  Anyway, even if you do get lost, all you need to ask people around is " where is MaoMIng Road"...they will point you to the right directions.
Now, the restaurant and its food....

We went after lunch hours, so we literally have the whole place to ourselves, as opposed to squeezing with huge lunch/dinner crowds.  Hoooorayyy!  Downside - since we are the only diners, they did not switch on the air-con !  Just a tad warm...but ok..

This cold tofu dish a fabulous! Silky and simply slide down your throat fuss free..

Pigs intenstines...whoooooooot!  Out of this world taste! Don't be scared by the amount of's not really spicy.  Just wished we have a 2nd helping..

These ribs are what dinners have been raving about.  The spice is heavy in taste, but it exudes fragrance and not pungent or turn-off at all!  Good to the last bite.  Old dad even scoop all the balance cumin spice on the plate and eat it with his rice...

Rice is served in this cute little bowl.  Reminds me of those kung fu drama's beggar version..LOL!

This dessert...OMG! If you missed ordering this, you would have missed out the most wonderful dessert of all times!  This is fried bananas coated in sugar, melted till it caramelized.  When the dish was first brought to our table, the waitress brought along a bowl of water and a pair of chopsticks.  Kinda puzzling.  But it makes sense a little later where she dipped the chopstick into the bowl of water severlal times and with swift and quick movement,  break up those golden balls.  I see....all the caramel has glued the fried battered bananas together...hence needs to be separated. Or else diners will be lifting one whole BIG lump of food..:)

After a full meal, we walked back to the metro station.  Btw, did I mention that right at the metro station, you find PARKSONS?  We shopped around, but find stuff there really too expensive.  A simple blouse costs around SGD30-40?  Dresses can costs up to SGD100 too..

Around 4pm plus ,we went back to Sofitel for the old folks to take a rest.  Kids and me....ICE CREAM time !  The Hagan Dazs restaurant is just right beside our hotel..

Time to think of the next meal as we finished afternoon dessert!  Old mum remembered this very crowded restaurant while we were on our way to The Bund.  So we decided to go there for dinner.  Luckily, mum grabbed its namecard the other night as we overheard other diners complaining that they have been waiting for half an hour or so.  I called and made a dinner should be a breeze with no waiting time.

This papaya dish is part of the cold appetizer menu.  It is nice but not worth paying for.  So skip this.  Buy a piece of fruit from fruit stall makes more financial sense.  :)

This mixed fried vegetabe....thumbs up!

Chicken...thumbs up!

Pigs so ...
This is their signature dish.  But none of us find it nice.  It is way too sweet and not really those tender and melt in your mouth kind of dong po meat..

Consistent Queue..Prices here are reasonable..I think that accounted for the queues too...

No more food for the day! Slow walk along Nanjing Road, back to hotel, rest, relax, (ok we muched titbit too), watch cable TV programmes...and....SLUMEBRLAND!
Shanghai First Foodhall Mall
Metro Station : Nanjing East Road Station, Exit 4 (Look at my Day 1 description to Sofitel Hotel, us that directions and continue walk past Sofitel hotel, another probably 2-3 mins walk).
Di Sui Dong
2/F Maoming Nan Lu 茂名路 56号,靠近长乐路口
Metro Station : Shaanxi South Road
(Refer to above post for detailed directions)
Shanghai Lao Lao (上海姥姥)**Must call to reserve to beat long queue
70 Fuzhou Road
Tel : 63216613
Just follow my  Day 1 directions to walk towards Lao Bei Jing.  Same directions.  But when you the sign pointing to THE BUND, follow the sign.  You will come across this retaurant along the way.  It is along the way to the bund.

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