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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Bangkok Day 6 (19/10/2013)

Today is an important day ! 

Work up at 5.30am, washed up.  It was hard to get kids to wake up that early but somehow, managed to pull and tugged them out from their beds.  Lol!

The sight that greeted us when we step into the lobby.  Staff had already prepared the offerings, with our room numbers sticked onto it. 

There was already an elderly monk waiting and hotel guests took turn to kneel and make offerings.  The monk will hold out a bowl-like urn and we placed all the food items inside there, one by one.  In another bowl, we placed the garland of flowers.  When done, we knelt and the monk said a prayer for our blessing.  

The feeling was amazing. All these happening on a quiet and tranquil morning, smell of morning dew in the air, fresh and crisp light breeze chasing away sleepiness...what a blessed way to start a day!  

All along the river banks, shop owners, homestay guests alike, are all up and awake, waiting for monks from the nearby temples to row their boats over...

After making our offerings, we loitered around and noticed that Thanicha Resort was most crowded for morning offerings. Even those tourists / locals staying nearby hotels also came over to Thanicha to buy the plates of food to offer to the monks.  

Breakfast starts at 7am.  When it was ready to be served, wow, quite crowded.  By the time we queued up, some food ran out.  And funny thing?  They do not replenish the items!  :((  By the time my parents came out for breakfast, only some porridge and bread were left.  This is the only thing that I was not happy with.  So now I know, next time when I am there, 7am, queue, and straight aim for food first and make sure take enough because may not have second helping.  No casual breakfast of sitting down, enjoy coffee first before going for food.  It does not work like that at Thanicha Resort. Gota do it the kiasu style...Lol !

Our table, with a nice view of the canal...

After breakfast, we packed up and checked out from the hotel.  Some shops have started to open for business since it's Saturday, but we thought of catching an early transport back to Bangkok, hence leaving Amphawa early.

In case you are wondering how to get to the mini van station for transport back to you go.

Step out of Thanicha Resort, turn right.  Walk for about 3-5 mins and you will see this wooden bridge..
 Cross it..

Down from the bridge, you will see this stall selling hats.  In case the shop is not open, you should see this wooden gate on your left.  Turn RIGHT, not left.  Remember, wooden gate is on your left, your got to turn right.

Once you turn right and start walking,  Within a very very short distance, keep a keen lookout for a small lane on your left.  You should see this prominent toilet sign.  Walk through this little will come to a small empty space with sandy ground.  Continue walking and you will hit the main road.
 Once you hit the main road, look for this bank sign, walk towards this directions.  In about 20 - 30m walk, you will see some booth / office on your right indicating transport to Victory Monument.  That morning when we were there, there was no one at the booth.  It looked closed.

 No Mini vans???

I panicked a little. Crossed the road and approached this stall order.  The man in purple t shirt was an extremely helpful person ! At first he tried to explain to me that I should be walking further down to another counter that is in operation, but I only half understood.  In the end, he brought me back over to the other side of the road, and walk with us to a cross road further down.  Ahhhh!!!! We saw a counter with a lady seated there selling ticketd.  Phew! 

This was the very helpful man and his stall..

He led us to the ticketing counter...
 See the green tent? Yes, that is the ticketing counter..

We bought tickets from the green and pink umbrella counter.  Not sure about those counters under those rainbow colored umbrella.

This is the ticketing counter and the counter lady.  

Standing in front of the ticketing counter, you should see the following bank and shop across the road.

I took a panaromic view to help you visualize better.  See the orange bank?  You will exit from Amphawa river ( via the lane with the "TOILET SIGN"),  come out to the main road..around the green patch behind the orange bank in the following pic.  One you hit main road, turn right and walk towards the orange bank.  The ticketing booth is just opposite of it.  

Hope above directions help.  Anyway, the main road is one straight road.  Hard to get lost.  I suspect we may be setting of a little early that day ( around 9.30am) and that is why some transport ticketing counters were not opened yet.  Anyway, when you are there, those empty counters may be opened and in that case, just book with one that says "Victory monument" would be fine.  80 baht per pax.   We paid 400 baht in total.

Our van alighted us somewhere near the Victory Monument, but not at the station that we boarded the minivan.  Anyway no fret, as long as you are in Victory Monument, just ask people around "Skywalk", they will tell you where.  If not, just look up ad try to spot the skywalk, which is really hard to miss.  Find those stairs that is joining to the skywalk and you'll be on the skywalk !  We walked till we see the following stalls from the skywalk :

Down the stairs and looked for the famous kuay chap.  It is located just behind where the couple is sitting (above pic).

After our early lunch, we proceed back to Mecure Siam Bangkok to re-check in again.  Usual routine for the afternoon...old folks and kids took a nap..zzzzz.... recharged to get ready for a sumptuous dinner tonight !

While Old folks took a nap, son and me made a quick trip to Erawan Shrine to pray. Straight forward affair. Alighted art Chitlom BTS, walked, pryaed and back in hotel within 1 hour.

Dinner time !!  Tang Tai Joo & roast suckling pig !  We gona have a feast...  IMPT TO NOTE : If you intend to dine at Tang Tai Joo, please remember to make reservation!  First thing we did when we reached the hotel, we asked concierge to help us make the booking.  The earliest slot available was 8pm ! Fully booked to the brim ! Oh choice..

But first, we went to do some charity - coffin donation.  Could have taken the MRT (not BTS) to Sam Yat, but we were too lazy and took a cab there instead.  From our hotel @ National Stadium BTS to the temple : flat rate 100 baht.  And it was like only 4-5 mins ride.  :(

Once we entered the temple, we saw a row of table for people to sit and make donations of any amount they wish.  To donate a coffin and a piece of white cloth, it costs 500 Baht.  After paying 500 baht to the temple assistant, we were issued with a orange-looking receipt as well as a pink slip that we have been asked to write our names on it. For the orangy receipt, we can keep or burn it away later.  The pink slip, well, we have to bring this to a side hall and paste it on coffin boxes.  ( Or at least that's what I think it is)..

The entrance to the temple, located at the side of the donation hall..

The pink slip that we've written our names on...we have to glue it onto these boxes.  Glue provide at a side table...

After our donation, we followed this instruction that was pasted on the wall ..

When all is done, including praying with joss sticks, strike the drum once, and each bell once. ( I am not too sure about this step though...I just followed what people did)

Stall outside of the temple...

For dinner, we went to the famous Tan Tai Joo Restuarant ! There were so many good reviews on their food, but lousy service.  Tonight...we shall judge that ourselves ! 

Hailed a cab, again flat rate 100 baht and we arrived at the restaurant at about 7pm.  We were greeted by the boss himself, who asked us to take a sit outside first.  He brought us the menu and took our orders.  Actually without knowing, we have over ordered but the boss happily took our orders anyway.  For some dishes, we were very specific and asked for small or medium size.  But for our steam fish order, we forgot and we were given a huge pomfret. Yes, you guessed right, not cheap!  We did not need to wait till 8pm, our table was ready by 7.30pm.  

Once we stepped into the restaurant, we  see mainly chinese diners.  Mostly locals.  All seemed to be very familiar with the restaurant and knows what they are doing.

Our food arrived soon.  All served piping hot....

Verdict ?  
Roast Suckling Pig - I find those served in Singapore better.  Even my parents agreed. Price wise, 1600 baht for a pig, and with this price, we can get a small little suckling pig too at times when Singapore's restaurants got promo. I mean at Tang Tai Joo, it is nice, but nothing fantastic.  Probably a little over-rated.  The deep frying of the rest of the pork, it's fragrant with bits of garlic, but still somehow, overly salty and the marination did not really get into and under the meat.  Got a sense that all was done in haste.
The pepper crab was the best.  If we were not too full, could have ordered another plate.  
The goose web with noodles - it was way too sweet for my liking.  In fact, we only managed to finish half..
Pomfret - it was fresh and nice, but did you see the picture? The fish was as big as the plate.  Too big portion, we cannot finish either
The mixed veg with scallop, this is rather tasty.  We ordered a medium.  Should have ordered a small instead as portion was rather big
Sharksfin - this is really good.  Careful when you order. We ordered the "hong shao" sharksfin.  This can be shared by all.  If you order the very first item on the sharksfin menu ( I think 1500 baht?), that is meant for 1 pax or 2 pax at best, I think.  Oh yes, I remembered, it has the name "clear soup sharksfin" or something like that.  
The free dessert..made of yam.  Nice. Each kids gobbled 2.  Left one on the plate to be shared by 3 adults. huh?! :))

Remember when you order your food, just go for small portion if you have 5-6 pax.  Should be enough and that gives you room to order more dishes too.  We made the mistake of ordering medium size for most dishes, end up wasting food.

Total Bill : 6250 baht

After such a heavy meal, we walked around Chinatown, buy more goodies before hitting back to the hotel.  And's Saturday night and all taxis seems to know that tourists were at their mercy.  Flat prices of 200 baht !  We managed to find one that charged 150 baht.  Too tired to hassle.  So just pay. Afterall, we are on holiday..must be happy and not fret over couple of dollars !  :))


Amphawa to Bangkok - please refer to contents in the above post.  

Kuay Chap At Victory Monument

BTS Station : Victory Monument

Refer to my Day 4 post on how to exit to skywalk.  Walk along skywalk for a very short distance.  Keep to the right.  You should see this roof :

Once you spot this, walk down the side stairs.  The kuay chap is located around the light blue shade area.

Tang Tai Joo

Take a taxi would be the easiest.  Anyway if your taxi driver is not sure (like ours), just ask him to alight you at T&K Seafood.  Most taxi drivers should have no problem.  Assuming you are standing at T&K and facing the main road, turn right and walk.  Within 50m or so, you should see the followng :

Once you see UOB and that brownish goldsmith shop, that is the lane to turn into. Tang Tai Joo is located inside this lane.

This stall is located just at the lane entrance to Tang Tai Joo.  Hope that helps! :)

Ruamkatanyu Foundation (OPENS 24 hours)

MRT Station : Sam Yat (Exit No 1)
Though we took a taxi there, but when we alight from the taxi, I can see the MRT station just across the street, probably 50m away.

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