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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Equation : Love = $$$

Went to Clementi Town for some groceries shopping and came across this interesting bill / notice sticking onto a pillar.  Can't help but share it here...

What a joke!  This woman must be crazy lor.  Man tell her he loved her, woman believed and gave him $10,000  Man run away, woman file police report, ask Crime Library to help her find her man.

Find him for what? Get the money back or try to re-kindle love? heeheee...seriously, paying $10,000 to be taught a lesson is really kind of expensive.  But  then again, when a man talks about loving you and asking for money at the same time...why can't the equation be : man : money = gigolo to the power of infinity!

Do I pity the woman? No...I am not being harsh, but there are so many similar cases that has been reported, so it's time for the simple-mind to wake up!

I can't help but think that high chance this woman is of foreign nationality, hoping to land herself with a Singapore man, marry and get a PR here in know....I know.....and the man also know and made quick bucks.....

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